X-SCADA AI | 국내 최신 기술력이 적용된 스마트팩토리 솔루션
  • A development tool with exceptional scalability and limitless possibilities
  • Project configuration through a user interface reminiscent of PowerPoint
  • Implementation of various vision functions through AI Manager
  • Intuitive visualization and customization of vast amounts of data
  • Convenient interface with upper systems (MES, ERP, SCM, etc.) without middleware
  • Integrated platform capable of controlling single or multiple facilities and monitoring processes


Forget the framework of traditional SCADA! Forget the framework of
traditional SCADA!

X-SCADA AI is a user-centric development tool that surpasses traditional SCADA for realizing digital transformation and Industry 4.0. It enables convenient customization. It reliably collects data from various devices (PLCs, controllers, IoT sensors, etc.) installed on-site, allowing easy control and monitoring regardless of the environment. With intuitive data management, operation, and visualization, it facilitates the construction of integrated platforms without being constrained by the scale of the site or equipment volume. X-SCADA AI embeds numerous practical features needed on-site and optimal AI capabilities for advanced functions without the need for separate middleware, making it the ultimate tool for customized on-site usage.

Key Features of X-SCADA AI

X-SCADA AI Diagram | 그리고 편리한 GUI환경 및 강력한 편집기


X-SCADA AI Designing | 파워포인트를 집어삼킨 UI UI that surpasses PowerPoint
X-SCADA AI Designing | SVG 이미지 실시간 무료제공 Free SVG images provided
X-SCADA AI Designing | 스마트심볼 객체지원 Support for smart symbol objects
X-SCADA AI Designing | 다양한 차트 및 엑셀기반의 리포트 Various charts and Excel-based reports
X-SCADA AI Designing | JavaScript 지원 JavaScript support
X-SCADA AI Designing | AI Vision을 통한 프로젝트 구성 Project configuration through AI Vision
X-SCADA AI Designing | 커스텀 메뉴(자주 사용하는 메뉴를 툴바처럼 사용) Custom menus (use frequently used menus like a toolbar)
X-SCADA AI Designing | 데이터 시각화를 위한 아트위젯 Art widgets for data visualization
X-SCADA AI Designing | 이미지 최적화 Image optimization

AI Vision

X-SCADA AI vison | NLPR(자동차 번호판 인식) NLPR(Number plate recognition)
X-SCADA AI vison | QRCodeReader(모든QR & 바코드 인식) QRCodeReader(Recognition of all QR & barcodes)
X-SCADA AI vison | TesseractOCR(다양한 문자 인식) TesseractOCR(Various character recognition)
X-SCADA AI vison | VISION STUDIO(노코딩을 통한 모듈화) VISION STUDIO(Modularization without coding)
X-SCADA AI vison | Yolo(사물의 종류 & 위치 인식) Yolo(Recognition of object types & positions)


X-SCADA AI Communication | 파워포인트를 집어삼킨 UI OPC UA certification for industrial communication standards
X-SCADA AI Communication | SVG 이미지 실시간 무료제공 Support for numerous communication protocols
X-SCADA AI Communication | 스마트심볼 객체지원 Multiple communication settings available
X-SCADA AI Communication | 다양한 차트 및 엑셀기반의 리포트 HTML5 standard support and web-based real-time control and monitoring
X-SCADA AI Communication | JavaScript 지원 Support for HTTPS on web servers


X-SCADA AI Convenience | GMP 시설 운엉 및 보안강화를 위한 보안 및 시스템태그 Security and system tags for enhancing
GMP facility operation and security
X-SCADA AI Convenience | 사용자가 원하는 형태로 로딩창 설정 Custom loading screen settings
X-SCADA AI Convenience | Window 스케줄러와 같이 간편 등록 및 관리 Easy registration and management similar
to Window Scheduler
X-SCADA AI Convenience | 스크립트 편의상 향상을 위한 스크립트 빌더 Script builder for script convenience enhancements


X-SCADA AI Viewer | 시나리오를 통한 공정관리 Process management through scenarios
X-SCADA AI Viewer | 편리하고 손쉬운 레시피 Convenient and easy-to-use recipes
X-SCADA AI Viewer | 시뮬레이션 기능 Simulation functionality
X-SCADA AI Viewer | Streaming 서비스 제공 Streaming service provided

X-SCADA AI supports numerous communication protocols, X-SCADA AI supports numerous communication protocols, enabling stable and high-speed data collection.

enabling stable and high-speed data collection.

It allows for the easy and rapid establishment of an integrated network environment, facilitating stable communication with a wide range of commonly used automation control devices (PLCs, Control Devices) for high-speed data exchange. Through OPC UA, it can exchange data with other software, and it also supports OLEDB for utilizing various database systems such as MS-SQL, Oracle, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc. With support for Modbus, device-specific protocols, and user-defined protocols, users can configure communication with automation devices and data as desired.

  Ethernet Protocols

AB (Logix, PLC-5 Gateway Series) / Schneider (Modbus TCP) / OMRON (NX, NJ, CP1x, CJ, CS Series) / GE (RX, VersaMax Series)
JavaScript (User-Defined Master, Slave) / Modbus (RTU Over Devices) / C# .NET (X-SCADA Devices) / MQTT / Etc..   

  Serial Protocols

  • MELSEC MC Protocol Serial
    • MELSEC Q/L Series
  • MELSEC FX Serial
    • MELSEC-FX Series
  • Follow the tutorial
  • GE SNMP Serial
    • RX/VersaMax Series
OMRON (NX, NJ, CP1x, CJ, CS Series) / KEYENCE (KV-XL Series) / Panasonic (FP7, FPOH Series) / Modbus (RTU, ASCII Devices)
Schneider (Modbus RTU, ASCII Devices) / JavaScript (User-Defined Master, Slave) / Etc..   

  Other Protocols

Kafka Client (Kafka for Xisom Solutions) / JSON Access (JSON Format Files) /XML Access (XML Format Files) / Redis Client
Excel Spreadsheet (Excel Format Files) / ADVANTECH (PCI DAQ, PCI Card) / Etc..   

X-SCADA AI offers limitless capabilities through X-SCADA AI offers limitless capabilities through its differentiated design from traditional SCADA systems.

its differentiated design from traditional SCADA systems.

The system requirements for running X-SCADA AI software are as follows.